Dr. Kaushik Ram works with forward thinking cooperations, government departments and leading education providers to unlock their natural abilities. He pioneers research into the nervous system and leads groundbreaking talks in Australia and globally.
For six years, he worked as a Neuroimaging Specialist at the Westmead Millennium Institute, University of Sydney. Here, he was the central figure in the MRI arm of the Emotional Wellbeing Project comprehensively examining mental disorders including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD and conversion disorder.
He currently partners with the About My Brain Institute and has run Australia’s first study using neurotechnology within organisations. As one of the world’s elite thinkers in managing stress and fear in the nervous system, he advises high performing individuals on how to trust their natural abilities and create influence.
Founding Director of the Institute for Implicit Intelligence, his specialises in non-cognitive intelligence such as intuition, instinct and various elevated brain states such as hypnotic, trance-like and flow states. He is the acclaimed author of the captivating book – Hidden World. In this book, he tackles the critical issue of how the evolution of humankind has been hijacked by the brain and as a result, humans have lost the non-cognitive intelligence of their own bodies.