Originally from Sydney, Australia, 22 year old Ed Wells has been in the rare position of breaking into both the UK and Australian scenes simultaneously. His last single,
‘Swirl’, has clocked over a quarter of a million streams on Spotify from a diverse range of countries. With a recent move to the UK, the young electronic/soul musician is looking to continue his steady rise internationally, having already spent much of 2014 in the UK, performing a number of showcase gigs, including a spot on stage at the world famous Troubadour Club where luminaries such as Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Costello & Adele have all performed.
He combines a dark, yet powerful voice with highly accomplished piano skills and a level of songwriting skill and maturity that belies his age. 2017 sees the release of his latest single, ‘Close the Distance’, which draws upon an eclectic range of musical influences, from the R&B/soul sounds of D’Angelo, to lush, enveloping harmonies inspired by artists such as Bon Iver and Jeff Buckley. The combination of electronic
and acoustic elements which Ed presents highlight his influences in soul and jazz music to create something both moving and energetic.