
Saul Griffith


Saul is an inventor, author, and founder of multiple companies and non-profits. He has led projects for agencies including NASA, DARPA, National Science Foundation and more.

He has founded and co-founded multiple successful companies, including one acquired by Google, another by Autodesk, and another by a consortium of vehicle manufacturers including Toyota. In 2007 he was awarded a Macarthur Fellowship, the so-called ‘Genius Grant’, for inventions in the service of humanity.



101 million machines away from a zero emission Australia | Saul Griffith

Electricity and electrification is the efficiency we've been looking for. Inventor, author and founder of Rewiring Australia Dr Saul Griffith shares his vision to Electrify everything with The Big...


Living in the Future

Inventor, scientist and entrepreneur Saul Griffiths, on how we can make the future awesome through better engineering (and a bit of imagination).

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