Rumble Studios is a music and sound company based in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia. With a team of talented and passionate composers, sound designers and producers, we specialise in creating unique and engaging soundscapes across a range of mediums. Our audio services range from bespoke music composition, sound design, voice recording, sonic branding & experiential installations, and we craft our work to be an essential part of any project.
Rumble is built on foundational principles of creativity, delivery, connection and experience. We place great value in the process of collaboration and communication with our creative partners, as we aim to achieve excellence across every project together.
We’re advocates of pushing the boundaries and exploring new ideas, which is why we partner with TEDxSydney. TEDxSydney is at the forefront of modern thought, ideas and creativity. It’s a powerful platform to be a part of, and we love the opportunity to bring our craft to the TEDxSydney audience, helping elevate the live and online experience for everyone.