Transport is the third largest source of carbon emissions in Australia, and cars are responsible for roughly half of those emissions. We hear a lot about electric cars, but increasing accessibility of local public transport can reduce transport carbon emissions fast. So, what is a surprisingly simple step we can take towards creating the carbon neutral, liable cities of the future?
Emma Bacon is a passionate organiser, campaigner and activist. Emma has worked across movements for social and environmental justice for over 10 years on campaigns including an international asbestos ban, 10 cent deposits on bottles and cans, and union campaigns with shopping centre cleaners. She has run successful political campaigns and been part of winning significant outcomes for progressive change at local to international levels. Emma founded Sweltering Cities, a new organisation that works directly with communities in our hottest suburbs to campaign and advocate for more liveable, equitable and sustainable cities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.