
Engaging Communities Through Art by Natalie Wadwell

TEDxYouth@Sydney 2013 · 17 November 2013

What do we think of when we think of art? Is art just to be seen in hanging in gallery spaces in the city centre of Sydney? Natalie asks the audience to consider the benefits of engaging communities through art. Natalie has an undeniable enthusiasm for art that she wants to share. That is why in 2012 she created Wadwell Initiatives, a platform for young artists to exhibit their artwork. Currently in her second year at UNSW’s College of Fine Arts, Natalie is studying art theory/history. In addition to this, she has gained professional skills and personal experience volunteering at the Campbelltown Arts Centre. A local resident of the Macarthur Region, Natalie is passionate about helping young people build the self confidence to follow their dreams in the creative industry. In February 2013, the pilot for Stepping Up, a HSC major work showcase was embraced by the Macarthur community. Taking place in a local shopping centre, the showcase engaged both the art loving and casual viewer. The strength of the community response and support was so high that Natalie hopes Stepping Up will return in 2014, alongside Illuminate, a Youth Week art exhibition for students.

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