After being cast on a reality TV show to find love, Michael Theo instead found something entirely different. Looking back on an incredible few years, Michael reflects on the importance of embracing risk, despite having autism, and why we should take a chance on the unexpected. Michael Theo, otherwise known as ‘Mr A+’ instantly captured the hearts & minds of audiences across the globe on Netflix’s ‘Love On The Spectrum’ with his dapper style, unintentionally hilarious one-liners, and warm personality. Though most well known for his work on the ABC and Netflix Series, Michael is so much more than his TV persona. A passionate animal activist, railway enthusiast, podcaster, and aspiring actor, Michael is a strong believer it’s our differences that make us special. He has used both his online platforms and widely successful podcast, Mr A+, to create a safe space to express & celebrate these differences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
I thought I knew what success was… but then I became successful | Michael Theo
Michael Theo
TEDxSydney 2022 · 5 August 2022
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