
Nuclear waste: the key to our future energy needs? | Jo Lackenby

Jo Lackenby

TEDxSydney 2022 · 5 August 2022

Nuclear waste can make people feel pretty uneasy. But what if we could recycle it to make clean, abundant electricity? Jo Lackenby is passionate about the environment and low carbon energy. She believes nuclear waste isn’t something to be afraid of, but in fact could be a valuable resource for future generations.

Dr Joanne Lackenby (Jo) is an environmental engineer working in nuclear energy and is passionate about highlighting the environmental benefits of nuclear energy. Peaceful nuclear technologies can be complex. But she has also discovered that the possibilities associated with these nuclear technologies absolutely blow her mind! In the interest of trying to invoke this feeling in others, it is Jo’s mission to edu-tain the general public. In the process, she aims to connect people with the innovation occurring in the world of nuclear science and technology.

Jo has over 14 years’ experience working at OPAL, Australia’s only nuclear reactor. She has also held several volunteer positions in nuclear associations. She is the current President of the Australian Nuclear Association Inc, and a past Executive of Women in Nuclear Global. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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