Nicole Vincent is an Australian philosopher based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and Delft, The Netherlands. In mid-2007 Nicole obtained a PhD in philosophy of tort law from the University of Adelaide, with a dissertation entitled 'Responsibility, Compensation and Accident Law Reform'. Later that year she became affiliated with the Philosophy Section at Technische Universiteit Delft in The Netherlands, initially working on Dr Gert-Jan Lokhorst's neurolaw research project entitled 'The Brain and The Law'; and then as chief investigator of the international research project 'Enhancing Responsibility: the effects of cognitive enhancement on moral and legal responsibility'. From 2011 until 2013 Nicole was a research fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University in Sydney, working on a project entitled 'Reappraising the Capacitarian Foundation of Neurolaw'. In August 2013 she joined the Department of Philosophy at Georgia State University in Atlanta as Associate Professor of Philosophy, Law and Neuroscience, and she remains affiliated with the Philosophy Section at Technische Universiteit Delft in The Netherlands, leading the 'Enhancing Responsibility' research project, funded by the Responsible Innovation Programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Nicole Vincent
Enhancing Responsibility: Nicole Vincent
Performance enhancing has dominated debate in sport the world over. But what about in the rest of our lives? In this thought-provoking talk, Nicole Vincent discusses the fact that,...