TEDxYouth@Sydney 2015

21 May 2015

Drama Theatre
Sydney NSW 2000

After a successful launch in 2013, TEDxYouth@Sydney returned in 2015, this time as a simulcast event on the same day as TEDxSydney, on Thursday 21 May 2015.

Aimed at those between 16 and 26, TEDxYouth@Sydney featured a range of presenters from the main stage with a carefully curated selection of an additional eight speakers aimed at the youth audience.

You can check out the line-up HERE.

Made by young people, for young people, but with the eyes and ears of the world in mind,TEDxYouth@Sydney is a platform for ideas worth spreading and is an exciting event experience for those with passion and energy,” said TEDxSydney Simulcast Content Producer, Anna Burns.

2015 was our biggest yet – in terms of reaching and engaging more young thinkers, innovators, activists, entrepreneurs, and go-getters than ever before.

TEDxYouth@Sydney, kindly supported by Principal Partner the University of Sydney and Media Partner oOh! Media/Hijacked, took place in the Drama Theatre within the Sydney Opera House.

The event was split into a morning session and an afternoon session – helping to cater to students with a busy timetable.


Talks from TEDxYouth@Sydney 2015


Don’t call me Aussie: Combating Prejudice With Art

In this talk, Abdul Abdullah speaks about personal experiences growing up as a Muslim in Australia, and how he feels his identity has been politicised. He talks about how...


Understanding Systematic Oppression and Institutionalised Racism

Kyol Blakeney gives a powerful presentation about understanding the concept of systematic oppression and institutionalised racism. This ranged from presenting ideas about the current structure we live under in...


The Best Pet is The Axolotl

Of all the pets in the world, surely the best is the axolotl. At least it is according to young new comic Sam Campbell. In the hilarious talk, Sam...


Sharing My Perspective and Baby Photos

Ta-ku, (aka Regan Matthews), is a 28-year-old beat maker from Perth whose artistic practice spans photography, curation and creative direction. He is a contributing editor at Sweet Dreams Magazine;...


The Truth About Growing Up Disabled

Dylan Alcott wasn't always a Paralympic champion. He grew up disabled, but it might not be what you think. In this engaging and funny talk, Dylan tells us what...


Growing Up In Australia With This Body

In this amusing talk, Sam tells us all about growing up in Australia, and how the human body could possibly be improved - by moving the head. Sam Campbell...


Fashion as a Catalyst for Social Change

This talk discusses the oft-overlooked ability of the fashion industry to shape and change societal norms, adjust societal perspective on accepted cultural practices and shift attitudes. Key figures throughout...


Can a Computer Write Poetry?

If you read a poem and felt moved by it, but then found out it was written by a computer, would you feel differently about the experience? Would you...


Bad Bitch Choir – Like A Diamond & No Scrubs

Sydney's own female choir with attitude sings the Rihanna classic Like A Diamond and follows up with a rousing rendition of No Scrubs by TLC. With a roster of 20...


Is Football The Answer?

A muslim woman fights the patriarchy by starting an all girl football team. Amna Karra-Hassan is the co-founder of Auburn Tigers Women's AFL. Since 2009, Amna Karra-Hassan has been...


Bad Bitch Choir – I Wanna Be Yours

Sydney's own female choir with attitude sings I Wanna Be Yours by The Arctic Monkeys. With a roster of 20 femme fatales, the Bad Bitch Choir has become an inner...


Housing Affordability – Win the Argument | Eliza Owen

The median house value in Sydney is now nearly $1 million dollars, and Sydney is one of the most unaffordable cities in the world. Unfortunately for non-home owners, no...


Not here to be nice: The Likeability Trap

If women speak up and pursue their own goals, they're labelled bitches and we hate them for it. If they let themselves be humiliated and remain passive, we'll tolerate...


The Power of Simple Questions

Modern life can seem overwhelmingly complex. By uncovering astounding insights into the world we live in from asking three brief questions, Alan shows how sometimes that the best way...

Contributors from TEDxYouth@Sydney 2015


Patrick Abboud



Amna Karra-Hassan

Co-founder of Auburn Tigers Women’s AFL


Ta- ku

Music Producer


Oscar Schwartz



Kyran Wheatley

TEDxYouth@Sydney 2015 Host


Michael Hing

TEDxYouth@Sydney 2015 Host


Ollie Henderson

Founder, House of Riot


Bad Bitch Choir



Kyol Blakeney

SRC President at the University of Sydney


Sam Campbell



Abdul Abdullah



Brodie Lancaster

Writer and Editor


Dylan Alcott



Eliza Owen



Alan Duffy
