Talks & Performance


Health autonomy in the palm of your hand | Dana Bradford

Neuroscientist, Dana Bradford passionately argues for coherent connected health to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people in our communities are connected - not only to practitioners...


How I taught myself to be more courageous | Magda Szubanski

In this powerful talk, celebrated Australian author and actress Magda Szubanski uses lessons from her Nazi-fighting family to explore where courage originates. She asks if there is such thing...


The power and potential of curiosity-driven research | Suzie Sheehy

As Dr Suzie Sheehy explains, the conveniences of our modern lives owe much to curiosity-driven research. In this entertaining talk, she celebrates the virtue of seemingly pointless scientific research...

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What my first TEDxSydney event taught me about people and ideas

“It all comes down to the ideas and the people,” said Remo Giuffré, founder and licensee of TEDxSydney. “That is the essence of TED.”...


Share your best family recipe with TEDxSydney 2016

One of the driving themes behind TEDxSydney 2016 is ‘together’ – and this is reflected not just in the collaborative nature of many of the ideas presented on stage,...


Can you help us to design the future of TEDxSydney?

2016 has barely kicked off, but we're already thinking ahead  - to the future ways in which we might connect the TEDxSydney community, using the ever-growing number of mobile...

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2022 Submissions – Closing 8pm 14 April 2022

TEDxSydney is on the hunt for fresh ideas. If you think you have a cracker of an idea for a TEDx talk, then we want to hear...


What 10 Years on the Tools Looks Like

Stew Burchmore has been on the TEDxSydney team since its inception in the role of Live Stream Director. How long have you worked with TEDxSydney ("TXS") and how did you...


The dangerous act of defecation

You’d never think of yourself as lucky just for having access to a toilet. But try living without one, like 13% of Papua New Guineans do.

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TEDxSydney 2018 | Inside The Hub

Each year TEDxSydney gets bigger and bigger and this year was no exception. In addition to a stage with incredible speakers, TEDxSydney also has a hive of activity to...

Partner Video

Defining the Meaning of Belonging Workshop

We are more connected and the world is more accessible than ever yet we have trouble defining our identity and finding a place to call home. With so much...


TEDxBaghdad meets TEDxSydney

We had nothing to do with the production of this video ... but we're glad it was made :) Thanks TEDxBaghdad!

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