Talks & Performance


Farmers are key to a better future | Anika Molesworth

As a farmer, Anika Molesworth understands many of the challenges facing farmers - who are all trying to create more with less. Increasing populations, ecosystem...


The Dirty Secret in your Rubbish | Garth Lamb

Worldwide we currently throw out more than a billion tonnes of solid waste each year. In this talk, Garth Lamb argues there are “better uses for our rubbish than...


What happens when you throw away your clothes? (Q&A) | Clara Vuletich

TEDxSydney 2016 speaker, Clara Vuletich speaks about her work in the sustainable fashion space and what happens when we throw away our clothes – particularly when it ends up...

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Sustainability worth spreading

Our flagship TEDxSydney event is one of the largest TEDx events in the world with this year’s event attracting a record crowd. But with huge crowds comes a huge...


TEDxSydney 2017 Speakers – David Power

David Power can trace his love of fish all the way back to weekend family trips to the Brighton Sealife Centre in the UK. At 14, David was hooked...


I Haven’t A Thing to Wear (That Isn’t Polluting the Planet)

Ann Bain explores the growing movement of ethical fashion. Ever tried separating the clothes in your wardrobe that are polluting the planet from those that aren’t? I did and had...

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Partner Video

TEDxSydney Adventures – Clara Vuletich on Sustainable Fashion

We are taking you on the road with our alumni speakers as part of the new TEDxSydney Adventures series, presented by Toyota Prius. TEDxSydney Adventures are exclusive field trips designed to...


Meet The Speakers: Ray Dearlove | TEDxSydney 2016

In 2013, Ray Dearlove co-founded The Australian Rhino Project which is focused on establishing breeding herds of white and black rhinoceros in Australia as an insurance population for the...


Meet The Speakers: Clara Vuletich | TEDxSydney 2016

Clara Vuletich is a designer, researcher, educator and consultant who has worked in the sustainable fashion space in UK and Europe for ten years, and is now based in...

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