
How to climb a mountain in a wheelchair by Melanie Tran

TEDxYouth@Sydney 2013 · 17 November 2013

Melanie Tran, Duke of Edinburgh’s first medalist affected with SMA, tells of the time she decided to stop living life as a bystander. She explores the value of self-confidence and how powerful it can be. Melanie Tran is a Year 11 student at Bossley Park High School in Fairfield Sydney. She has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a condition that has left her wheelchair-bound since birth. Melanie is the first person with SMA to complete the Duke of Ed Program with the help of MDNSW (Muscular Dystrophy NSW). As part of the Duke of Ed program, Melanie was the first Australian student to complete a training course in product design (the ‘Creo’ Program) offered by the University of Illinois. After receiving the Bronze Duke of Ed Medal, MDNSW has employed Melanie to manage their website. Melanie is also currently completing her Gold Medal for Duke of Ed.

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