
The Day I Lost My Face by Genevieve Fricker

TEDxYouth@Sydney 2013 · 17 November 2013

“You don’t get into comedy to pick up guys” Genevieve says. The Day I Lost My Face reveals how individuals are affected by the media, and the recovery period for the comedian after her face was used in a ‘hot or not’ section by a Sydney magazine, on false pretense. Genevieve is a comedian, writer and musician based in Sydney. She’s making a name for herself by swearing and singing weird songs, much to her parents’ dismay. Genevieve currently writes and performs on ABC 2’s The Roast, and pops up from time to time on FBi, ABC 702 and Triple J radio, online for Fairfax Media, in print for the Sydney Morning Herald, Triple J Mag, The Brag, and Time Out Melbourne. Despite her work with the media, in 2012 a local newspaper of the inner-west published a photo of her in a ‘hot or not’ section, having promised her a cover feature to promote an upcoming show for Sydney Fringe Festival. –

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