
The power and potential of the women’s game | Chyloe Kurdas

Chyloe Kurdas

TEDxSydney 2018 · 15 June 2018

What if we could build a national competition? In this moving and inspiring talk, Australian Football League Women’s (AFLW) Pioneer Chyloe Kurdas, details the barriers to success that she overcame to build the fastest-growing sporting participation movement in Australia.

Kurdas demonstrates a pathway to a future for equal participation in sport and society. Hers is a story that will resonate with anyone who dares to dream that change is possible. As Chyloe says, “all we did was open one door”.

Chyloe Kurdas is a former elite Australian Rules footballer and television and radio sports commentator. She spent 10 years with AFL Victoria, building the catalyst for Australia’s first-ever national women’s professional competition: AFLW.

In doing so, Chyloe combined her studies and worked in health promotion, psychology and education to build award-winning high-performance sporting programs for adolescent girls that focused on the whole athlete.

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