Richard Bourke works in Louisiana – America's Deep South – as a Death Row lawyer, defending people who are facing or have already received a death sentence.
Killing people is always wrong
Richard Bourke
TEDxSydney 2015 · 21 May 2015
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Suing the government and fighting for a climate safe future | Anjali Sharma
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101 million machines away from a zero emission Australia | Saul Griffith
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Thriving future cities depend on the right infrastructure
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TEDxSydney Salon — Tomorrow’s Technology: Shaping our Future
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Storytelling, Innovation, and Building Belonging in Global Communities
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Green Is The New Black
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Belonging and Connection in a World of Hybrid Work
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Ewe Beauty
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Big Changes Through Small Acts
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The true state of the United States, November 2020 | Damien Cave
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How Artificial Intelligence creates opportunity for all | Jamila Gordon
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Bushfires: This is not a crisis we can afford to waste
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Five TED Talks on the Power of Purpose
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What happens to your legacy every time you take a selfie?
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These businesses are setting a sustainable legacy
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The dangerous act of defecation
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Partner Video
Macinley Butson | TEDxSydney 2018 | Ideas of Note Speakers Series
This series takes you on a journey to uncover and share the key turning points of various TEDxSydney alumni speakers to date. Each of the videos profile an individual who...
BTS: The making of TEDxSydney opening titles HumanKind video
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TEDxSydney 2018 “HumanKind” Opening Titles
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How I taught myself to be more courageous | Magda Szubanski
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A Collective Performance | 2018 Film Program
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All justice is social | Rod Bower
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IWD 2018 – Celebrating Women today, tomorrow and in the future
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Using honey to stop superbugs in their tracks | Nural Cokcetin
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Eliminating Tobacco Companies From Investment Portfolios | Bronwyn King
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TEDxSydney 2017 Speakers – David Power
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TEDx Sydney 2017 Speakers – Mariam Veiszadeh
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The Science of Sunshine | Niraj Lal
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The Dirty Secret in your Rubbish | Garth Lamb
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An Australian Initiative to Help Save the Rhino | Ray Dearlove
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We Need to End the Era of Orphanages | Tara Winkler
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The Race Against Frog Extinction | Jodi Rowley
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Meet The Speakers: Jodi Rowley | TEDxYouth@Sydney 2016
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Meet The Speakers: Clara Vuletich | TEDxSydney 2016
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Understanding Systematic Oppression and Institutionalised Racism
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Housing Affordability – Win the Argument | Eliza Owen
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Darwin’s Unfinished Business
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The Limits of War
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Barat Ali Batoor In The Studio
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Populate Wilderness Or Perish: Barry Traill
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Welcome to the age of the Plasti-sea: Richard Banati
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Documenting Asylum Seeking: Barat Ali Batoor
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Barat Ali Batoor In The Studio
Barat Ali Batoor is a photographer, born into a family driven out of Afghanistan during civil war when most of his relatives were massacred. He returned to his ancestral...
Turning Rubble Into Rupees by Kimberley Abbott
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Chat With Danny Kennedy
After his amazing Talk on the TEDxSydney 2013 main stage, Danny Kennedy chats with Tim Brunero in The Studio of the Sydney Opera House, about Australia's success in residential...
Chat With Jennifer Robinson & Benny Wenda
After their standing ovation in the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall, Jennifer Robinson and Benny Wenda have a chat with Tim Brunero in The Studio.
How Design Can Help Fight Poverty
Paul is the principal architect of a practice based in Sydney working on urban, rural and remote area architectural projects throughout Australia and overseas. He is also one of...
Modern Warrior
Thirty-three year old Damien Mander served as a special operations sniper and clearance diver for Australia. Whilst deployed in Iraq he project managed the Iraq Special Police Training Academy,...
The Democracy Data Revolution
Big Data isn't just for big business, it's for the people too. Simon Jackman believes that you can apply scientific principles to politics. In fact, he can prove...
Courage is Contagious
Benny Wenda is the face of self-determination and human rights in West Papua. This is the story of him and his people as told by his lawyer and friend,...
The Reality of Food Aid
To solve global food insecurity, the first step is to know the right question to ask." Bill Pritchard, human geographer, challenges our views on what it takes to create...
Be Optimistic About the US & China
Geoffrey Garrett is a political scientist and has held academic appointments at Oxford, Stanford, Yale and the Wharton School. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of the...
Environment Change, Distress & Human Emotion Solastalgia
Glenn Albrecht is Professor of Sustainability at Murdoch University in Perth. He is a transdisciplinary philosopher with a focus on the intersection of ecosystem and human health. His concepts...
The Fallacy of the Middle Ground
Professor Jon Jureidini is a child psychiatrist trained in philosophy. He is the Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide, and...
Profit with Purpose: Impact Investing Revolution
Andy Kuper is the founder of LeapFrog, the world's first mcroinsurance fund, hailed by former President Bill Clinton as "The Insurer to the Poor." In this talk Andy presents...
Citizen Journalism and the Democratisation of News
Brett Solomon is the co-founder and Executive Director of - a new global movement for digital freedom. Before that he was the Campaign Director at, and before...
Coral Rekindling Venus
Lynette Wallworth brings together technological advances with ancient understanding, new media with the electricity of human touch. Coral Rekindling Venus, a film inspired by the Transit of Venus, is...
John Crawford: Healthy soil, healthy world
John Crawford is a sustainable agriculturalist and Professor at the University of Sydney. His projects focus on soil modeling and the social and cultural systems of food.
Linh Do: The real United Nations
Linh Do is the Co-founder of, a platform to connect with leaders to make change. She spent two years working with the United Nations Environment Program on youth...
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg: The endangered beauty of lush, colorful coral reefs
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a marine ecosystems expert, researches coral reefs. He has studied oceans from Mexico to Antarctica and is leading the creation of an online virtual diving experience into...
Changing the world, one sanitary pad at a time
Chantelle Baxter is the Cofounder of One Girl, a nonprofit that helps girls and women create change. She is working on LaunchPad, a project that sells affordable sanitary pads...
Chat With Jennifer Robinson & Benny Wenda
After their standing ovation in the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall, Jennifer Robinson and Benny Wenda have a chat with Tim Brunero in The...
Chat With Danny Kennedy
After his amazing Talk on the TEDxSydney 2013 main stage, Danny Kennedy chats with Tim Brunero in The Studio of the Sydney Opera House, about Australia's success in residential...
Rima Najm: Inspired by Injustice
Leading up to TEDxSydney 2011 we asked members of our community to give us a three minute talk on an "Idea Worth Spreading". In this performance, Australian poet Rima Najm...
Nathalie Mann: Working with HIV AIDS Orphans in Vietnam
Nathalie Mann was successful in her application to be part of the live Bay 17 audience at TEDxSydney, and agreed to tell her story to the rest of us...