
How Artificial Intelligence creates opportunity for all | Jamila Gordon

Jamila Gordon

TEDxSydney 2020 · 6 November 2020

AI advocate Jamila Gordon drew on her experience, as a Somali speaking immigrant, working in the kitchen of a Japanese restaurant to found a company that democratises training and communication for workers in factories and processing facilities worldwide. In this inspiring talk, she outlines her vision of where AI can take workers in their native language no matter where they work. Jamila Gordon is CEO and Founder of Lumachain, a technology platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to connect the broken links in global food supply chains, while also helping keep workers safe. Jamila’s personal journey is remarkable. She started life in a tiny village in the hinterland of Somalia, where drought and hunger were ever-present threats. Civil war brought her to Australia, where she learned English and fell in love with technology. Jamila went on to ultimately become a global executive with IBM and Group Chief Information Officer of Qantas Airways and CIMIC, before deciding to launch Lumachain. Jamila was Microsoft’s global Awardee in the 2018 International Women’s Entrepreneurship Challenge (IWEC), the first Australian to receive this honour, and Microsoft’s global CEO Satya Nadella featured Lumachain in his 2019 keynote address in Sydney Australia. Jamila also sits on the board of Questacon, Australia’s national science and technology centre.

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