While the Not-For-Profit (NFP) sector addresses some of the world’s toughest global, social and local problems on a daily basis, it’s no secret that many individual NFP organisations struggle to keep up with an ever advancing technological world.
Now more than ever it is important that social enterprises and NFPs are equipped with the right technology so that they may more effectively and efficiently solve some of the biggest issues concerning humankind.
Historically Not-For-Profits have been continually challenged when it comes to technology. Not because of an unwillingness to embrace such advancements, but more so because their resources are often invested in more urgent areas of their organisation.
One such company that believes in empowering NFPs to become technologically proficient is AlphaSys. AlphaSys work with Not-For-Profit agencies across the country by creating systems that help them improve their services and programs, and further their mission.
“Access to innovative technology provides clear opportunities for Non Profit Organisations (NPOs) across the sector to deliver programs, communicate, advocate, fundraise, engage and mobilise their networks effectively,” explains Director of AlphaSys, Justin Yoon.
“The challenge for NFPs is to be digitally proficient and effectively assess their options to ensure they choose the most suitable digital platforms and programs that align with their capability, investment and available infrastructure.”
For the last 2 years, AlphaSys have been a proud technology partner of TEDxSydney, and used the platform as an opportunity to create awareness around important social ideas.
“We are passionate about helping NPOs identify and solve these complex and very individual challenges by providing them with access to human centred technology that addresses their specific needs,” says Yoon.
Last year, via their Creative and Curious partnership with TEDxSydney charity partner and NFP, Settlement Services International (SSI), AlphaSys asked patrons the question “How can we make it easier for resettled refugees to gain meaningful access to employment?”
Resulting in hundreds of responses from the TEDxSydney community, these concepts were collated and used by SSI as a springboard to new ideas in their business.
Justin Yoon describes that the concept behind last year’s activation was to challenge the way people thought about and supported charities.
“By embracing a digital platform, there is an opportunity to engage ‘virtual volunteers’ who have useful skills, specific areas of expertise and want to contribute but find physical engagement a barrier,” he says.
Alphasys.org was launched at TEDxSydney last year to create an online community of supporters to broaden the networks available for NPOs. Utilising technology in this way can instigate significant positive change for the sector. Last year the partnership with SSI and AlphaSys encouraged people to talk and engage with each other on ideas and issues bigger than themselves where technology could play a vital role.
AlphaSys will once again be partnering with TEDxSydney for 2018.
This year at TEDxSydney we invite you to come and explore a diverse array of ideas as we delve into 2018’s theme of ‘HumanKind’. Secure your spot now.